Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Journey to Sabah, Part 3


Preservation of Sulu Sultanate History and Rights by DD Krishna D. Kiram

The journey to Sabah of Datu Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram and his 235 followers, Part 3


Honoring the Legacy, Sacrifices and Patriotic Acts of Datu Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, Guro Bata Abdulhan Saradi, Guro Bata, his son, and the other 232 followers of the Sultanate of Sulu during the 2013 Sabah Stand Off from March 1-15, 2013.


As a result of growing tension in Tanduo, Lahad Datu, Sabah, WORD WAR ERUPTED between spokespersons of Malacanang and the Royal Sulu Sultanate Media Center. The Spokesperson of PNoy Aquino Administration IMPULSIVELY RE-ECHOED the MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT’S ACCUSATION against the Datu Raja Muda and his 235 followers AS INTRUDERS and INFRINGING the TERRITORIAL RIGHTS of MALAYSIA over SABAH (NORTH BORNEO). The PNoy Aquino Administration DEFENDED Malaysia’s consigned and relegated rights, powers, and authority invested on Malaysia by Great Britain in 1963. They also Treated Datu Raja Muda and his followers NO LONGER CITIZENS of the Philippines while being under SIEGE by the Malaysian military forces.


The PNoy Administration's Policy towards the Datu Raja Muda FIRMLY STRENGTHENED MALAYSIA’S TREATMENT of PRESENCE of the Datu Raja Muda and his 235 followers NO LONGER A POLICE MATTER but ENEMY of MALAYSIA.


The Administration of President Benigno Simeon Aquino III had transformed itself into a VOICE of the Malaysian Government. His Presidency ABANDONED the constitutional protection and guarantee bestowed on the Sultan of Sulu as an Ordinary Citizen by the Philippine Government since 1935 and by his Administration, who, in 2010 assumed also the constitutional duty and responsibility to uphold and honor the Sabah Claim as a national Contract entered and signed between the Republic of the Philippines and the Sultanate of Sulu in 1962.


The Malaysian Government's wrongdoings infringed absolutely the modes of pacific settlement of disputes as provided for under the United Nations Charter Resolution. Malaysia violated also the principles and agreements and the Joint-Communique embodied in the 1963 Manila Accord mutually signed by the Three Heads of States, Prime Minister Tungku Abdul Rahman of Malaysia, President Sukarno of Indonesia and President Diosdado Macapagal of the Philippines.


Unliked other Presidents that were elected before him in the likes of President Diosdado Macapagal and President Ferdinand E. Marcos, who sworn to protect the National Contract for the peaceful settlement of Sabah Claim against Malaysia, the PNoy Administration, instead, ADMONISHED Sultan Jamalul Kiram III and his Royal Clan that full force of the law will be applied against them in view of the action taken by Datu Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram and his 235 followers.


President PNoy Aquino's stern warning had lost sight on the legal importance of the fact of the matter. That by virtue of the Sultan of Sulu's Act, the Philippine national territory expanded after the latter agreed to issue the Republic of the Philippines "The 1962 Conditional Transfer of Sovereignty Rights Over North Borneo (Sabah)".


The Sultanate of Sulu ALSO TOOK MANY FORMS OF LEGAL HARASSMENT from the AQUINO ADMINISTRATION. The harassment encouraged the Malaysian Government in Kuala Lumpur to send its AGENTS to Manila TO ASSASINATE SULTAN JAMALUL KIRAM III and ALL HIS SENIOR FOLLOWERS. HIS ADMINISTRATION threatened also Sultan Jamalul Kiram III and his siblings as conveyed by HIS Duly DESIGNATED NEGOTIATORS to IMPRISON or REPATRIATE Them to Malaysia if Raja Muda and his followers WOULD NOT GIVE IN To the MALAYSIAN DEMAND TO RETURN to the PHILIPPINES.


PNoy Aquino's threatening words IMPELLED 33rd Sultan Jamalul Kiram III to ESCUSE HIMSELF and ABSTAIN from the dialogue regarding the stand off between him and the Malacanang duly designated and authorized representatives. LOSING SIGHT OF HIS STATUS as A SPIRITUAL and POLITICAL LEADER, the 33rd Sultan of Sulu left the table and decreed Abraham J. Idjirani, to continue the dialogue with the MALACANANG DULY DESIGNATED NEGOTIATOR in that crucial night. In the morning, Sultan Jamalul Kiram III CHALLENGED MALACANANG before the local and foreign media TO WIDEN THE PHILIPPINE PRISON CELL as many of his relatives and the Bangsa Suluk/Sug supporters would follow him.


The growing tension and Malaysia’s MASSIVE MILITARY OPERATIONS were no doubt owed to Malaysia's FEELING MIGHTY against the OBSOLETE FEW HAND-GUN and NATIVE SHARPENED BARONG and KRIS of Raja Muda's followers brought by the followers TO PROTECT HIM on their JOURNEY BACK HOME TO SABAH against lawless elements and pirates plying the Sitangkai Strait.


As already mentioned, the URGENT SITUATION compelled Sultan Jamalul Kiram III accompanied by his wife and a sister, Dayang Dayang Sitti Krishna Kiram (Idjirani), a brother, Datu Abdilnasser D. Kiram, Pastor “Boy” Saycon and Abraham J. Idjirani to seek the assistance AT MIDNIGHT of VICE PRESIDENT JEJOMAR BINAY in his Vice Presidential Residence in Makati. The APPEAL was acted on advice of MR. PASTOR “BOY” SAYCON, the Sulu Sultanate Adviser on Foreign Affairs. The APPEAL sought on the Vice President was to FACILITATE an EARLY MORNING MEETING of March 1, 2013, between the Malaysian Ambassador to the Philippines and the Sultanate of Sulu’s representatives, the Secretary-General and Spokesperson, Abraham J. Idjirani, and the Sultan and Datu Raja Muda’s brother, Datu Abdilnasser D. Kiram, concurrent present Datu Maharadja Lailah and 3rd in line to the throne of Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo.


The requested meeting was to discuss the parameter of PREVENTING the IMMINENT OUTBREAK of an ARMED CONFLICT between the highly trained and well-equipped Malaysian soldiers, commando and police and the Datu Raja Muda with his 235 armless followers.


Out of humanitarian service and in his power and capacity as Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines, Vice President Jejomar Binay intervened and conveyed by telephone call in that night of February 28, 2013 Sultan Jamalul Kiram III’s request to the Malaysian Ambassador. The Malaysian Ambassador agreed and granted the request.


At 8:00 O'clock a.m. of March 1, 2013, while the Sulu Sultanate’s designated representatives was on its way, the FIRST SHOT of the MALAYSIAN FORCES WAS FIRED TOWARDS DATU RAJA MUDA AGBIMUDDIN KIRAM but missed him. On that day, Friday, March 1, 2013, the first day of battle at Tanduo Village, Lahad Datu, Sabah, begun.

To be continued.


Abraham J. Ibarani-Idjirani


Center for Studies of History of

Sulu Archipelago


March 4, 2021

Image by Wikimedia Commons, Cccefalon

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